ホーム 基金 ブラックテクノロジー ツアーグループ ニュース 5つ星ホテル 娯楽 ファッション トレーニング ゲームライブ 生活 親子 不動産 ビジネス 健康 体育 知的な 食物





On the afternoon of May 29, 2024, the award ceremony of Tokyo 2024 17th International Calligraphy and Painting Grand Exhibition was unveiled at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum in Japan. The exhibition was hosted by the NPO Japan International Art Research Institute and supported by government agencies such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and the Chinese Embassy in Japan. Various organizations from home and abroad collaborated in this exhibition, which brought together about 300 artworks in diverse forms and genres from seventeen countries.


授賞者:早稲田大学名誉教授 星山晋也


Award Presenter: Professor Emeritus Seiya Hoshiyama of Waseda University

Chinese artist Wu Wentong won the Bronze Award at the Tokyo 2024 17th International Calligraphy and Painting Art Grand Exhibition



Wu Wentong said, "I am immensely pleased to have received an award at this international calligraphy and painting exhibition. This marks my debut in an international exhibition, and I am truly thrilled by the love and support I have received. As an artist, I aim to draw attention to the global relationship between humans, animals, and nature through my work. My creations are inspired by my personal experiences, and I utilize art as a medium to chronicle my thoughts and feelings, akin to maintaining a diary. Through the power of art, I endeavor to inspire people to approach life with kindness and love.

This accolade is not only a recognition of my artistic creations, but also an impetus for me to persist on this path. I am elated and deeply grateful. I extend my gratitude to the judges for their recognition, and I pledge to continue my creative endeavors. Thank you once again.”



現代彫刻家 / 漫画家


Wu Wentong is a contemporary sculptor and cartoonist whose works have been invited to exhibit at home and abroad, and displayed in commercial spaces for long periods. His cartoon works include "In the Cloud · Series One," "In the Cloud · Series Two," "Xiangxi · Seal," "Naked Life," "The Man with a Hat," and so on. He incorporates "the speculation of philosophers and the vividness of artists" into his works, which have a strong appeal and evoke deep contemplation.


2024 東京2024第17回国際書画芸術大賞展銅賞 東京都美術館展

2024 公共空間彫刻芸術展「最も忠実な友人の伴侶」 李自健美術館展

2023 第1回長沙彫刻芸術大展·「最も忠実な友人の伴侶」 李自健美術館展

2021 「最も忠実な友人の伴侶」彫刻作品が中国建築第五工程局投資会社に収蔵され、長沙市桂塘公園にて展示

2021 「ギターを弾く人」彫刻作品が中国建築第五工程局投資会社に収蔵され、長沙市桂塘公園にて展示

2021 「月下の思考」彫刻作品が中国建築第五工程局投資会社に収蔵され、長沙市桂塘公園にて展示

2021 「バイオリンを弾く人」彫刻作品が中国建築第五工程局投資会社に収蔵され、長沙市桂塘公園にて展示

2021 「風に酔う」彫刻作品が中国建築第五工程局投資会社に収蔵され、長沙市桂塘公園にて展示

2020 湖南省第1回「精緻な彫刻と巧みな芸術」コンテストチャンピオン

2020 「呉文通作品集」が国作登字-2020-L-01044522作品著作権を取得

2016 雲崗国際仏教彫刻芸術展·「仏頭」

2024 Tokyo 2024 17th International Calligraphy and Painting Art Grand Exhibition Bronze Award, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum Exhibition

2024 Public Space Sculpture Art Exhibition "The Most Loyal Friend: Companionship," Li Zijian Art Museum Exhibition

2023 First Changsha Sculpture Art Exhibition · "The Most Loyal Friend: Companionship," Li Zijian Art Museum Exhibition

2021 "The Most Loyal Friend: Companionship" sculpture collected by China Construction Fifth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. and exhibited in Guitang Park, Changsha

2021 "The Guitar Player" sculpture collected by China Construction Fifth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. and exhibited in Guitang Park, Changsha

2021 "Contemplation Under the Moon" sculpture collected by China Construction Fifth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. and exhibited in Guitang Park, Changsha

2021 "The Violinist" sculpture collected by China Construction Fifth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. and exhibited in Guitang Park, Changsha

2021 "Drunk in the Wind" sculpture collected by China Construction Fifth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. and exhibited in Guitang Park, Changsha

2020 Champion of the First Hunan "Exquisite Carving and Ingenious Sculpture" Competition

2020 "The Collected Works of Wu Wentong" obtained the copyright of works numbered Guo Zuo Deng Zi-2020-L-01044522

2016 Yungang International Buddhist Sculpture Art Exhibition · "Buddha Head"


Work Appreciation


「最も忠実な友人の支え」ブロンズ鋳造 H50W24.7cm-H41.6W60cm 2020 呉文通

"The Most Loyal Friend: Support," bronze casting, H50W24.7cm-H41.6W60cm, 2020


This artwork presents the relationship of mutual support between humans and dogs, whether they serve as brave professions such as police dogs or guide dogs, or as family companions. In the process of getting along with dogs, humans are more often the beneficiaries, while dogs are more often the givers. The artist's main theme is to convey the idea of "born equal" and to call on people to "treat life kindly" and "embrace life."



「最も忠実な友人」H3000mm ガラス繊維 2019年 呉文通

"The Most Loyal Friend," H3000mm, fiberglass, 2019


This series of works is expressed by the artist through the proportion of character sizes and the exchange of roles, giving people a strong visual impact. Through artistic creation, he expresses subjective inner thoughts, making artworks become concrete manifestations of self-ideology. The artist uses "artworks to speak out," allowing the works to not only talk but also interact with the audience, creating a dialogue between sculptures and people.


「最も忠実な友人-月の上」H600*W295mm 模造銅 2020年 呉文通

"The Most Loyal Friend: Above the Moon," H600*W295mm, imitation copper, 2020


This work uses romantic techniques to sublimate the relationship between characters and animals. In the composition of the shape, the cloth that wraps the characters is used as the landing point connecting the moon and the ground, revealing a strong sense of decoration and interest.



「最も忠実な友人-一緒に踊る」H450*W455mm 模造銅 2020年 呉文通

"The Most Loyal Friend: Dancing Together," H450*W455mm, imitation copper, 2020


This work is "The Most Loyal Friend: Dancing Together." Dancing together is a way of communication that allows people from different cultural backgrounds to understand and get to know each other through music and dance. It can also allow different species to engage in silent communication. At the same time, it conveys that getting along with animals can actually better stimulate our inner emotions. Relaxing and getting along with animals, dancing together, also allows people to feel a sense of ease and freedom in their hearts.



「包む」H600*W560mm 鋳銅 2019年 呉文通

"Wrapped," H600*W560mm, cast copper, 2019


This work, titled "Wrapped," expresses the creator's empathy for the heavy pressure that modern people bear. The character's outstretched arms and the cloth draped on the ground form the shape of a door, which also metaphorically represents people's inner hearts. Although we may wrap ourselves up and close ourselves off, there is still a door to our hearts that remains open. In front of the door of the development of the times, we do not forget our original intention and bravely move forward.

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